Minimal Increase. Maximum Impact.
Each year, Thornton works hard to balance the rising costs of power, materials, and other commodities necessary for supplying water to all Thornton customers, with keeping water rate increases to a minimum. Effective January 1, 2023, a nominal water rate increase will go in effect to keep pace with the cost of delivering safe, clean drinking water.
The water rates you pay are a direct investment in Thornton Water’s large, complex system that collects, cleans, and delivers water right to your home.
Less than a dime a day.
About 92% of residential water customers will see increases of less than 10 cents a day. Monthly bills will increase about $1.30 during winter months, and $2.58 during summer months. Calculations are based on an average monthly water use of 4,000 gallons in winter and 10,000 gallons in summer. Individual bills are determined based on actual monthly usage. You can estimate your increase here.
More assurance for the future.
Your monthly investment not only helps support protecting our city’s water supply, but it also maintains, improves, and expands our infrastructure. Your water system infrastructure includes water storage and treatment facilities, pipelines, pump stations, valves, water meters, fire lines, hydrants and so much more!
Thornton constantly plans for the future and works on capital improvement projects all around the city to keep your water, sewer, and stormwater systems working seamlessly. Curious about the projects the city is working on? You can learn more about the location, scope, schedule, and budget of each project here.

Thornton Water is a cost-of-service enterprise, meaning rates pay only for the costs of providing water to our customers 24/7/365. Connection fees for new development in the city, which aren’t part of monthly rates, are paid for at the time of development and cover the cost of expanding the water system to serve the new properties.
Water Tiers & Ways to Save
All customers are allocated a Monthly Outdoor Allowance (MOA) based on their lot size. Thornton uses a Tiered Rate Structure to calculate your bill each month. Tiered Rates are based on the average amount of water needed inside your home (Tier 1) and on the amount of water needed outdoors to sufficiently maintain the average size lawn in Thornton (Tier 2) as well as excess use (Tiers 3 and 4).
Tier 1 covers essential indoor water use for bathing, cooking and flushing toilets and is charged at the lowest rate of $5.89 per 1,000 gallons. Efficient outdoor water use is charged in Tier 2, which is the same rate as Tier 1. If outdoor use goes above the Tier 2 allotment, the Tier 3 rate is $8.83, and Tier 4 is $17.66 per 1,000 gallons. These rates are specifically for accounts inside Thornton city limits.
You also invest in water by using it efficiently. We encourage all water customers to monitor their water use and take advantage of rebates and free water saving programs to help avoid experiencing the higher rates in Tiers 3 and 4. Saving water all around the house is important, but about 50% of the water used by residents is outdoors, so creating water-wise landscapes can make a big impact on water savings and your water bill.

The city has been subjected to the same economic challenges, such as inflation and supply chain issues that have affected costs. We strive to keep our rates as low as possible for our customers.
The Thornton Water Assistance Program is available for income-qualified individuals and families. If you need help paying your bill or have questions, visit, call 720-977-5800 or email
Contact Utility Billing at 303-538-7370 or visit to learn more about your rates.