We’re always here for you to provide more info, answer questions, review your water bill, send you a kit, and most of all help you save water. Give us a call or send an email to Water@ThorntonWater.com.

Emergency Numbers
Wastewater/Sewer Problem: 720-977-6500
Water Quality Concerns: 303-255-7770
After Hours Emergencies: 720-977-6500
Report A Water Line Break: 720-977-6500
Water Resources Division
The Water Resources Division is responsible for managing the City’s water supply. We secure raw water resources, plan for water storage, and manage water supply projects. We also work very hard to conserve the City’s water resources for the long term.
12450 Washington Street, Thornton, CO 80241
Other Contacts
Utility Billing: 303-538-7370 | UtilityBilling@thorntonco.gov
Report Water Waste: 720-977-6600 | Water@ThorntonWater.com
Submit Backflow Reports: 720-977-6586 | Back.Flow@thorntonco.gov
Water Quality Lab: 303-255-7770 | WaterQuality@thorntonco.gov
Water Treatment Plants: 303-255-7770 | WaterTreatment@thorntonco.gov
Water Distribution – Water Lines, Hydrants And Meters: 720-977-6500 | UtilOperation@thorntonco.gov
Wastewater Lines Maintenance: 720-977-6500 | UtilOperation@thorntonco.gov
Water Rights And Water Law: 720-977-6600 | Water@ThorntonWater.com
Metro Wastewater: 303-286-3000
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Consider volunteering if you’re over 16, are passionate about water, want to learn more about efficiency, or have knowledge to share. We have many opportunities available to fit your schedule. Interested? Email us at Water@ThorntonWater.com or call 720-977-6600. Submit an application.
Set up your account and you can track your water use, pay your bill, report water waste, and more.
My Thornton
Use this link to access the City of Thornton, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, from the comfort of your own home. You will be able to find answers to frequently asked questions, submit a service request or contact city staff.